So, Charlie Archibald arrived over 6 weeks ago, and he hasn't made his debut over here, maybe it's about time. Chris gave him a great blessing on Sunday and Charlie was a champ. We love the Archibalds and are very happy for their sweet addition. Congratulations.
P.S. Thanks, Renee for the great post about the Baby Gabe. The photo is awesome, too.
P.P.S. If you'd like a spotlight on your baby or child, send me a photo and description and I'll post it! Email me at!
Nikki and Peter's baby, Gabriel made his timely entrance into the world last week on December 4th (his due date). He weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz. at birth and was 20 inches tall. Perfect! Mother and baby are at home now, and Gabe has already managed to pack on a little more weight. Nikki's mother and step-father, Janice and Galen, are here to help and take some fantastic pictures. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to bring them meals. They are much appreciated during this busy time.
This is absolutely over due but Much thanks to Melissa for teaching us how to bind adorable and simple books. We really are serious about hiring you to be our teacher!
Next month is very busy and we'd love to add a fun night to your calendar. December 11th Leah Parker will be hosting a Christmas card demo. The location and materials are to be determined. How does 7 sound Leah?
We hope to see as many as can come to experience the joys of making fabulous hand crafted Christmas cards!
Side note....The new year has already brought new ideas.... Have any of you seen those simple family home evening kits? There are a few of you out there that have them silently stowed away. We think it's about time these wonderful kits and silent books are shared with the rest of the MP ward. Stay tuned for more information! Happy projects to you all!
Almost all of the photos I took of the ward Halloween party were disastrous, I guess I can't avoid using the flash all the time. Anyway, if you'd like to see if you or your child(ren) are in any of the photos I took, go here.
I'll probably make this album private in a week or two.
Jeane's surprise birthday included many wonderful moments. Some of which were the red carpet leading to a throne and crown, some beautiful singers, enlarged photos of her life, a fantastic PowerPoint of her finer points and my favorite; a poem by Angela Haight.
Ode to Jeane
(with apologies to Clement C. Moore)
‘Twas long after midnight and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a. . . . .
Someone is stirring!
It’s Jeane--stirring, and stirring, and stirring.
Her round loaves were rising ready to bake
Just as the dawn was starting to break,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
She turned from her stove to see what was the matter.
And what to her wondering eyes did appear
But a fresh bolt of flannel with patterns so dear.
Off to the laundry she flew with a dash,
The fabric was dunked and dried in a flash.
Then off to her sewing room, scissors in hand,
To cut and design her very own brand.
Her eyes how they twinkled, her white curls so merry,
Her step lively and quick like a fluttering fairy.
A passel of pins she held tight in her teeth,
And the batting encircled her head like a wreath.
One blanket, two blankets, three blankets, four.
Dozens and dozens, and then a few more.
For a moment she dozed on her favorite chair
But the phone rang and rang till she finally got there.
“We need ten dozen rolls and some cookies to boot,
And by the way, could you play?Yes, it’s today!”
Jeane is a woman who lacks the word NO.
“Of course I’ll be there, I’ll give it a go.”
And brushing the flour and lint from her dress,
She packed up the food and ignored the big mess,
Grabbed the rolls, and the cookies and music to play.
Not a second to waste on another full day.
She sprang to her car, turned the key, gave a whistle,
And flew down Orange Ave. like the down on a thistle
To distribute the bountiful fruits of her labors
To her L.D.S. friends and most fortunate neighbors.
Yes, Jeane is a marvel, a friend without peer,
A woman we cherish each day of the year.
But when you turn ninety and still have your mind
Plus a heart full of love and a touch that is kind,
You deserve a big party, and even a cake
With candles and frosting that you didn’t make!
Jeane will blush and she’ll flush and she’ll say, “It’s not true,”
But those who know best say it’s long overdue.
Thank you, dear Jeane, you’re solid gold to the core.
8 of us gathered around Sherri's table last night with our mix matched circular and double pointed needles trying to make our fingers....KNIT! So sorry there weren't any pictures taken... all of our concentration and nimble fingers were put to work. :) Elisa ran off several copies of patterns and the basics of knitting I'll bring them with me on Sunday if any are interested! Thanks again Elisa for sparking red hot interest within us! Elisa can be directly emailed or called for knitting Q&A and tutelage. Happy Knitting!
Stay Tuned for the announcement of next months DIY night!
Our enrichment this month could not have gone better. Good friends, great food and a little spiritual enlightenment, what more could you ask for? As I circled the room I overheard people getting to know each other, old friends reminiscing and a hearty political debate. Seeing everyone’s favorite shoes and tasting their favorite treats just made me love them even more. Thank you to all who participated; it was such a wonderful night!
This Friday the ward will be holding a surprise party to honor Jeane Conrad. Many of you have been the recipients of her wonderful handcrafted baby blankets. I am trying to put together a set of photos of the people she has given blankets to over the years. Please please please take a picture with your blanket and send it to me ASAP. It can be you with the blanket, your child with the blanket or even your whole family. The party is this Friday so I need the photos in a serious hurry. Thank you for helping us to honor this extraordinary woman.
Anne McDonald My regular email is
Next Tuesday we will have the pleasure to learn how to knit adorable little baby hats! I'm so sad I won't be able to go. Elisa was telling me that it's super easy and a great way to learn how to knit if you don't know how.
Below is a list of the materials you'll want to bring. Please come even if . . .
you don't have the materials
you just want to chill with the ladies
if you're totally intimidated by making something out of a bunch of yarn
16" circular and double pointed needles size 6 or 7
about 100 yards for main part of each hat(she will be teaching how to make a flower, pumpkin and apple)
about 50 yards for pedal and stem parts of each hat
Elise prefers a cotton yarn for the baby hats, or you can use regular worsted weight (or common 4-ply yarn). She has enough green and brown yarns to share.
Last night, we had the honor to have Elise Han teach us how to make Korean food. She went above and beyond, and the spread was just phenomenal. She taught us how to make Miso soup and Chap-Che, which I'll definitely be trying in the future.
Thank you so much, Elise for sharing your talent and expertise with us!
If you'd like to see what you missed out on, click here for the slideshow.
Thanks to some fabulous planning and a great turn out the ferry boat ride was a blast! Some highlights were the map that was kindly handed out, the Mormon caravan heading to San Francisco, he kids smiling and watching the waves go by, the city skyline against a grey blue sky, sister Robinson’s pink bike, Elise Han’s fabulous and oh so beautiful lunch, the babies on the bay, the remote control airplane, the big icy cooler of every kind of drink your heart could desire and more than anything the company. It was so great to spend time with the ward out in the sunshine. Truly the activity not to miss.
When: Saturday, September 20, 2008 from 9:15am-4:30pm (Approximately) Cost: Free Details:
Meet at the church at 9:15am, caravan to SF to board the 250 passenger Ferry boat "Bay Breeze" for a 30 minute ride across the bay to Harbor Bay in Alameda. Boat will depart for return trip to SF at 2:30pm
Bring bikes, roller blades, scooters, strollers, walking shoes, wheel chairs, frisbees, kites bats, balls, etc. There are 17 miles of paved biking and walking paths at Harbor Bay, 5 of those miles are along the bay with beautiful views of SF. There's also a grass park on the edge of the bay adjacent to the ferry terminal with picnic tables and a bike bridge on the other side of the project that crosses the estuary to the main Islnad of Alameda.
Bring your picnic lunch, or you can purchase deli sandwiches or pizza at the Harbor Bay landing neighborhood shopping center (10 minute bike ride/25 minute walk from ferry terminal). Soft drinks and bottled water will be furneshed on the boat.
There will be a trailer at the church in the morning to transport bicycles.
If you have questions, contact Steve or Mary Jo Brimhall (or leave a comment).
Austin Henry Annison is finally here! He was born last September 1st at 3:40pm weighing 6 lbs 6 oz and measuring 19 inches long. Katianne was very appropriately in labor on Labor Day! The delivery had some complications and a few scary moments, and fortunately Katianne avoided an emergency c-section. We're so glad to hear that Mom, baby and family are adjusting well.
I just got word from Natalee that Kelsey has had some complications with post-pardom recovery and is now in the hospital. From the sound of things, it's pretty serious. I'm not sure of details, but we've all been asked by Bishop Robinson to keep Kelsey and her family in our prayers.
Another new addition to the ward has arrived, baby Teresa Maria, born August 29th weighing 8 lbs 3 oz and 20 1/4 inches long! Mom and baby are recovering well, and big brother Will is adjusting very well. Bill, I'm sure is doing just dandy, right?!?
It's been over a week since Renee and Britton were blessed with their new addition! Congratulations, guys! From the sound of things, everything went really well, and William Britton was born August 21st at 1:00pm, weighing 7 lbs. 5.4 oz and 20 inches tall! Labor was very fast (water broke at 6am, William debuted at 1pm), and not too terrible (at least that's what Britton said).
We're so glad to hear that the family is doing well!! Congratulations!
(also, I don't always know about all of the babies that are born in the ward, so if you'd like to send me an email with info and a photo or two, I'd LOVE to post about it! Email me at MelissaEsplin[at]gmail[dot]com.)
Hey folks. Carrie says that they're really enjoying their spacious home (and kitchen), but really missing all of you! Their email and phone numbers are still the same, their address (obviously) has changed. If you would like to send a letter, postcard, care package, etc. their way, the new address is:
Welcome to Menlo Park Bloggers, a great way to stay in touch & find out what's going on! If you have something to add or want your blog added to the list of "Lovely Links," please email
Park Days
If you would like to be on the Park Days email list, please contact
Book Club
Book Club meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Next Book Club is Tuesday, September 13. We will be discussing "The Glass Castle: A Memoir" by Alex Awards at Mindy Nielson's home. Bring treats if you feel so inclined!
Book club is not an official Relief Society activity. It's a group of friends who like to read! Everyone is welcome. Contact Katianne Annison if you want to be on the email list
Munchkin Music will begin Thurs. 9/29. We meet in the nursery room every Thursday at 10:30. Please contact Kristie Gurgel for more info!